Substance abuse group activities are commonly used to treat addiction. These activities, whether pursued as an alternative to individual therapy or in addition to it, are incredibly useful tools for those in addiction treatment. In a typical group therapy session, group members sit in a circle, taking turns to share their thoughts and feelings with each other and a therapist who leads the group. Group members may choose to discuss particular themes, or process experiences together instead.
This activity can be used to target all sorts of issues from body image to values to character defects (in addiction) and more. The program here at Two Dreams focuses on the improvement of one’s life through the achievement of mental peace, physical well-being, and personal productivity. We particularly emphasize mindfulness, the concept of intentionally paying attention, and being present in the moment with compassion, with acceptance, and without judgment. Every two weeks our clients engage in “group phase therapy” in which each individual reports on which phase they think they’re currently working on in their personal recovery journey. The rest of the group comments on the accuracy of their assessment and gives advice.
Exercises and Worksheets for Depression and Anxiety
A worksheet designed to help the client identify what they have control over as well as accept the things they cannot change. A fun worksheet for creating a bucket list of things that the client can do in sobriety (that they wouldn’t have been able to do in active addiction). A 1-page worksheet for affirmations, positive self-talk, and problem-solving strategies for daily challenges. A shared bucket list that includes spaces to write in when an item was added to the list and when it was completed. A 1-page handout with 25 quotes from the Dalai Lama on topics such as kindness and happiness. The prompts include questions about values, potential, expectations, and more.
We have assessments, practice forms, and worksheet templates mental health professionals can use to streamline their practice. The ideas and activities for substance abuse group therapy that are used will have an impact on the benefits that our clients have. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. substance abuse group activities We find that many of our clients are unsure of what to expect, and need time to feel out the group dynamic before speaking up. Discuss how treatments for physical illnesses – like broken bones or infections – are similar to treatments for psychological illnesses like addiction. Brainstorm ideas for the ideal hospital or retreat to provide you with mental and emotional healing.
Sharing Joyful Memories and Visualization
Regular check-ins, anonymous feedback mechanisms, and collaboration with participants in adjusting the group’s direction contribute to its effectiveness. Ask your clients to share what their tombstone would say if they were to die today. Added topics include online therapy, specialized groups, ethnocultural diversity, trauma, managed care, and more.